Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Greatest Invention

My grandpa did a post on our family website on the greatest invention in his opinion. On the post, he mentioned that I thought a cell phone was the greatest invention, and this is true! I love my cell phone.

I have a Blackberry Curve but I am using a Blackjack 2 because my blackberry is broken and getting fixed. I have decided there are some pro's and con's about both phones, so I am going to list them here for anybody looking into buying either phone.

First, I will start with the Blackberry Curve.


Blackberry Curve


1. Rollerball is easy to use

2. Shiny mirror on the back lets you see yourself when you're taking a picture

3. Bluetooth

4. Wide range of reception

5. Internet access


1. Takes forever to load up

2. You have to enter the area code at the beginning of each number

3. Photo library can't hold very many pictures

4. No video camera- or at least none that I can find

5. Lots of features for someone who wants a simple phone

Now for the Blackjack 2...

blackjack 2 phone


1. Scroller is easy to use

2. Fun and challenging games

3. MEdia Net Access along with Internet Explorer

4. Fast loading

5. Video camera


1. Very slow loading

2. Camera doesn't work with low battery

3. Keys spaced far apart

4. Scroller is convienent, but not often used

5. Password must have 2 symbols, 2 numbers, and 4 letters

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